ellie Voyyd
About Mending
take many broken things, stick them together, make a sculpture.
take cloth, tie knots in it , stitch together some cloth with thread.
anything you can find.
My "artistic" impulse is like a bird making a nest.|
i like to be comfortable, surrounded by things that I think are pretty.
my "art" is like pebbles that penguins give to their mate.
it is various tokens of friendship to the world i live in.
i'm constructing an archive, a library, with my work.
making music and "art" is like journaling an adventure.
maybe someday someone will find the journals and learn something from them.
Mending something broken or damaged, broken is what I am, and we all are.
So, we should mend ourselves.
Something broken is something split apart into fragments.
Yet any thing at all is already just a collection of fragments stuck together.
broken is when the fragments don't fit together the way they used to,
but that just means the thing has changed.
broken is what we can call it, but all it is is changed.
say hello to the objects around you. talk to them and listen to all of them.
this is what i do. and the things around me reward this acknowledgment,
they are thankful to me as i am to them.
there is no other way to really be than to be in love with everything.
but it should be secret love,
secret love, that isn't meant to be seen by anyone except its object.
because love is not vain